Michael Forsberg’s New Film on the American Dipper

You may remember that the wonderful speaker Michael Forsberg left our community meeting last spring to head up to Poudre Canyon to film the American Dipper, North America’s only aquatic songbird. The American Dipper is a charismatic, chunky gray bird that eats what trout eat by dipping and diving underwater in clear, fast-flowing streams. 
Below is the direct link to a very short film about Michael’s quest. Scroll down past the picture to the black box underneath to access the film. If you want to know more about his work, you can follow him on Instagram at @mforsbergphoto. The Platte Basin Timelapse project, to which he is a contributor, is also endlessly fascinating. It has an Instagram feed, @PlatteBasin, and a website, plattebasintimelapse.com.
Click here to watch the film, “A Trout with Feathers.”