Partners for Plants Bioswales

P4P Bear Creek Bioswales
4901 W. Kenyon Street, Denver

Last year we made great progress with the P4P Project. Come see the milkweeds that sprouted from the seed bombs that we made!

As with any garden, this is a labor of love. Please join us in the effort to revitalize the Bioswales. The City of Denver has committed to loaning us two of their naturalists to assist us on each of the days below. Please bring garden gloves, clippers, a small shovel and a trowel. We will be weeding and planting golden currant, poppy mallow, blue flax, rocky
mountain pentsemon, bush sunflower and our beloved Shirley Meneice flower, the blue aster!

A big thank you to our hearty Garden Club of Denver members who braved the snow and 34 degree weather on Tuesday, May 21! The Crew from the City of Denver helped us plant more than 50 low-water native plants such as, golden currant, purple dome asters, sunset hyssop, goldenrod and Rocky Mountain blue penstemon. We had 1.5 tons of crusher fines gravel delivered to Bear Creek Park to make deliberate paths through the bioswales to the well-used picnic area.

It is always heart warming to head to the Bear Creek Park. More often than not, a homeless person compliments us on our hard work or a little child will ask, “What are you doing?” Please come and join us for weeding at 3550 S Raleigh St. on June 3 or 7 and or July 1 and 15, all at 8:30 a.m.