Beautifying Downtown Denver’s Civic Center Park

Under the vibrant canopy of a clear May morning sky, a group of 18 dedicated Garden Club of Denver volunteers gathered in Civic Center Park, their mission: to breathe life and color into the heart of the city and fulfill Garden Club of Denver’s volunteer commitment to Civic Center Conservancy. Armed with trowels, gloves, and an infectious enthusiasm, our GCD members completed two and a half large beds worth of annuals, setting the foundation of a what will be a blooming oasis in Civic Center Park.

We heard a brief synopsis of Civic Center Conservancy’s mission and role in the improvements of the park, as well as some of their future goals for improving the space. After learning that the Conservancy views a clean, safe, and inviting park as an “accessible park,” a new truck load of flowers arrived from the Denver Greenhouse. The two workers from the Denver Parks and Recreation thanked us for helping and placed a number of the grasses and flowers for us to plant.

GCD is excited to return to the site and see how the plants will bring vitality and beauty to Civic Center Park. We thank all of those who participated and look forward to the September harvest, where we will return to the park to harvest the vegetables from the food garden. Our work in the park plays a small yet meaningful role in enriching the lives of those who will wander through the park in the summer days to come.

-Story and photos by Kathleen Thomas