For the fourth year, Garden Club of Denver’s amaryllis sale is up and running and is now open to the public. Feel free to let your family, friends and other groups know about our wonderful sale by sharing the link to the online sales site.
Since the sale started in mid-May, we are seeing good results from the introduction of some different varieties, two of which were new even to our wholesale supplier. With 14 varieties for sale this year, we have a wonderful array of gorgeous bulbs to choose from and to give as gifts over the December holidays or grow for your own enjoyment. From stripes to whites to pinks and solid reds, and orange, these bulbs give beauty to the indoors during the cold winter months and even into spring. You can also put them aside for a couple of months by storing them in your cool garage and wait to plant them in January or February for some late winter/early spring color.
Place your order now and receive them in mid-October when distribution will take place in Sally’s garage. Thank you Sally! Order now and order many to brighten a friend’s home or even your own home.
Click here to order.
-Story and photos by Margaret B.